ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY: You must carefully read and complete this Assumption of Risk, Waiver, and Release of Liability ("Release") prior to participating in any gain. classes as this Release forms a binding contract between you ("I" or "you") and gain.

1. I am voluntarily participating in a class or classes provided by KTN MVMT, LLC and/or Erin Naturally Personal Training, LLC and/or EK Training, LLC (hereafter, individually and collectively, referred to as “gain.”). The term “class” or “classes” as used herein refers to any in studio, outdoor, online, or other fitness class, training session, training program or physical activity provided by gain. I will be receiving instruction and information concerning fitness and wellness techniques, which may include weight training and other physical activities. I acknowledge that gain. urges all clients to obtain a physical examination from a physician prior to initiating any exercise program and that gain. classes are not designed for individuals with known heart disease with or without functional impairment. I represent and warrant that I have no physical or mental health condition that would prevent my safe participation in these classes. I agree that if I am pregnant, or have a known heart issue, including without limitation, cardiac arrhythmia (including very slow heart rate) or a history of heart block, or if I am taking antipsychotic medications that may result in an adverse reaction in connection with physical activities, I will consult with and obtain the permission of a physician prior to engaging in any weight training or other physical activities in connection with these classes.

2. I acknowledge and agree that: (i) it is my responsibility to disclose any medical condition or medication that could limit or prevent me from performing physical activity or any medical symptoms or issues that arise during any class; (ii) gain. may require me to provide written physician approval before I may use any of gain.’s equipment and/or participate in any class; and (iii) I may discontinue participation in class at any time. Further, I understand and agree that (x) there is a risk of injury associated with participation in any physical activity; (y) there exists the possibility for certain negative conditions occurring during or following physical activity; (z) my registration for classes is limited to my individual participation only. By signing this agreement, I acknowledge and voluntarily accept any risks, injuries or damages, known and unknown, which I might incur as a result of participating in these classes or training sessions, and agree that gain. will not have any liability for such injuries or damages, to the maximum extent allowed by applicable law.

3. I acknowledge and agree that gain. Is not a medical professional or institution and does not provide any medical diagnoses or treatments. I agree that if I have any medical condition, I will seek the help of a medical professional.

4. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, I hereby waive and release all claims, known and unknown, assume all liability, and release, hold harmless, indemnify, and agree to defend gain. any of our or their respective affiliates, successors, assigns, agents, representatives, and employees, from liability for any injury, claim, cause of action, suit, demand, and damages (including, without limitation, personal, bodily, or mental injury, property damage, economic loss, consequential damages, and punitive damages), arising from or related to: (1) my failure to disclose any pre-existing conditions, limitations, or sensitivities; (2) my presence on or near the premises of any gain. facility; (3) my participation in any gain. class (whether in studio, outdoors, online or otherwise) or use of any equipment at any gain. facility; and/or (4) any negligence on gain.’s part (including gain.’s employees).

5. I expressly waive all rights afforded by any statute which limits the effect of a release with respect to unknown claims.

I have read, understand, and agree to comply in full with the terms and conditions stated above and in the Terms of Service document for gain. I acknowledge that I have received a copy of this Release and the Terms of Service document and have had sufficient time to read them.


If you have questions, comments, or concerns about this privacy policy or our information practices, please contact us at: